Neck Pain

Neck pain is an extremely common problem for people of various ages and professions. Our clinicians, aides and patient service coordinators are dedicated to relieve your neck pain and help you prevent such in the future. 

Your neck supports the weights of your head so it is vulnerable to injuries and conditions that restrict motion. There are many factors that cause intense neck pain, starting from your daily routine, for example, when you hold your head in one place for a long period of time on a daily basis, ending with chronic illnesses like osteoarthritis as well as age related factors. 

Most popular causes of neck pain are: 

  • Muscle tension and strain. This can occur due to poor posture, working in a constant position for a long period of time, sleeping with your neck in a bad position, and others. 
  • Injury. Our neck is very vulnerable to any injuries, where neck muscles and ligaments are forced to move outside of their normal range, while straining the soft tissues of the neck.
  • Diseases. Certain diseases can cause an intense neck pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, cancer and others. 
  • Nerve compression. When herniated disks or bone spurs of your neck  press on the nerves branching out from the spinal cord, you might experience severe neck pain 

Neck treatment plan will be established based on your diagnosis after a physical examination and thorough review of your medical history. We understand the importance of the trust you are placing in us, so we strive to provide the best care and are committed to delivering spectacular results and change when it comes to your health and wellness.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
9.30 - 21.00
10.00 - 16.00
9.30 - 18.00