Physical Therapy

Physical therapy (PT) is care that aims to relieve pain and help you improve your movement, function and enjoy your everyday activities. 

Physical therapy is most commonly used for the following:

  • Reduce pain
  • Improve function and movement 
  • Prevent an injury or surgery 
  • Recover after an accident, injury or surgery 
  • Relieve age-related pain 
  • Work with balance disorders 
  • Get a splint or brace
  • Manage a chronic illness, for example, arthritis 
  • Recover after you pregnancy and giving birth 
  • Adapt to a new physical condition 
  • Learn to use assistive devices, for example, a walker or cane

During an initial evaluation, your physical therapist will evaluate your condition, learn about your prior level of function. Then, they will take specific measurements to properly examine the source of your problem and establish an effective treatment plan. Such measurements might include the following: palpation, functional mobility, strength evaluation, balance, range of motion measurement, neurological screening test. Our highly skilled and proven physical therapists will give you clear instructions on what to expect and your further course of action. 

Physical therapy is aimed at reducing your daily pain and helping you bring back the freedom of movement. You will see improvement in muscle function and feel yourself progressing daily. Exercises play a big role in the success of the treatment. After your first evaluation, your physical therapist will prescribe a list of exercises for you to do and give you detailed instructions on their implementation into your daily routine. 

At J Sport Medicine, we are committed to working together towards the goal of helping you move and function better. 

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
9.30 - 21.00
10.00 - 16.00
9.30 - 18.00